1. After downloading the macro plugin, unzip it, and place it in your plugins folder
(ex: c:\openkore\plugins\ and also the other files included in the zipped file (i.e. the Macro folder)
2. Create a text file named, macros.txt in yout c:\openkore\controls\ folder. Put your macros and automacros in here. The one you are copy/pasting from the forums.
- Tierra Maps Only (at the moment)
- Added Custom AFK Modification
- Removed Battle PK Behavior
- Hopefully fixed the "stucked in barricade" issue
leave your LockMap "blank"
leave also the Sitting Conditions blank to prevent your bot sitting in certain situations
kindly add this to your config.txt
##### Battle Grounds Config #####
Battle_Map tierra1
Battle_AI 1
Battle_Random 0
Battle_Map <--- Choose among tierra1,tierra2,tierra3,tierra4
(v1.0: Only Tierra Maps are currently available)
NPC locations:
Battle_AI <--- [boolean]
0 = Going AFK. Doing a random Pub with an excuse as a title ,
1 = Going to Attack. Tierra: Going to the enemy food and attack it.
Battle_Random <--- [boolean]
0 = will use the map specified in Battle_Map over and over again,
1 = will go to a random Map every round.
d2 ung sa
copy pababa
#----------- Battle Grounds Macro (v1.1) by noobotter ------------
# v1.1: Tierra Maps
# Features: AI choice
# Custom AFK *NEW*
# Random Map
# Battle PK *REMOVED*
# Notes:
# The error in SpawnPub automacro is normal.
# This is to spam the chat room incase the room is full.
# Save and setup your Bot in Aldebaran Town
macro CustomIdleAI {
# Modify the following to personalize your custom AFK AI.
$useCustomIdleAI = No
$customX = x
$customY = y
$customPub = @random ("Custom1","Custom2","Custom3","Custom4","Custom5")
if ($useCustomIdleAI == Yes) goto CustomTrigger
if ($useCustomIdleAI == No) goto DefaultTrigger
do move $customX $customY
do chat create "$customPub"
call DefaultIdleAI
automacro Maroll {
location aldebaran
exclusive 1
run-once 1
call {
do move 151 110
do talknpc 146 109 c c r0 n
release Maroll
automacro GoHome {
location not aldebaran
location not bat_room
location not bat_a01
location not bat_a02
location not bat_b01
location not bat_b02
exclusive 1
run-once 1
call {
do move aldebaran
release GoHome
automacro BGroomEntry {
location bat_room
exclusive 1
priority 1
run-once 0
call {
$randomMap = @eval($::config{Battle_Random})
if ($randomMap == 0) goto ContBGRoom
if ($randomMap == 1) goto RandomMapTierra
if ($randomMap == F) goto RandomMapFlavius
$RandomMapChoice = @random ("tierra1","tierra2","tierra3","tierra4")
do conf Battle_Map $RandomMapChoice
goto ContBGRoom
$RandomMapChoice = @random ("flavius1","flavius2","flavius3","flavius4")
do conf Battle_Map $RandomMapChoice
goto ContBGRoom
call CharPos
automacro TalkNPC1 {
location bat_room 124 175 135 168
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call TalkBGnpc
automacro TalkNPC2 {
location bat_room 140 175 151 167
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call TalkBGnpc
automacro TalkNPC3 {
location bat_room 124 131 135 124
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call TalkBGnpc
automacro TalkNPC4 {
location bat_room 148 132 151 125
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call TalkBGnpc
automacro SpawnPubT1 {
location bat_room 57 223
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call EnterPub
automacro SpawnPubT2 {
location bat_room 114 223
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call EnterPub
automacro SpawnPubT3 {
location bat_room 57 207
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call EnterPub
automacro SpawnPubT4 {
location bat_room 114 207
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call EnterPub
automacro SpawnPubF1 {
location bat_room 85 223
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call EnterPub
automacro SpawnPubF2 {
location bat_room 141 224
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call EnterPub
automacro SpawnPubF3 {
location bat_room 85 207
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call EnterPub
automacro SpawnPubF4 {
location bat_room 141 207
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call EnterPub
automacro tierraEntry1 {
location bat_a01
exclusive 1
run-once 0
priority 1
call TierraAI
automacro tierraEntry2 {
location bat_a02
exclusive 1
run-once 0
priority 1
call TierraAI
automacro tierraAtkStone1 {
location bat_a01 170 349 175 343
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call {
do a 0
automacro tierraAtkStone2 {
location bat_a01 161 55 166 44
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call {
do a 0
automacro tierraAtkStone3 {
location bat_a02 170 349 175 343
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call {
do a 0
automacro tierraAtkStone4 {
location bat_a02 161 55 166 44
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call {
do a 0
automacro TierraExit1 {
location bat_a01 50 374
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call GetBadge
automacro TierraExit2 {
location bat_a01 43 17
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call GetBadge
automacro TierraExit3 {
location bat_a02 50 374
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call GetBadge
automacro TierraExit4 {
location bat_a02 43 17
exclusive 1
run-once 0
call GetBadge
macro CharPos {
$Map = @eval($::config{Battle_Map})
if ($Map == tierra1) goto Pos1
if ($Map == tierra2) goto Pos2
if ($Map == tierra3) goto Pos3
if ($Map == tierra4) goto Pos4
if ($Map == flavius1) goto Pos1
if ($Map == flavius2) goto Pos2
if ($Map == flavius3) goto Pos3
if ($Map == flavius4) goto Pos4
$randomX1 = @random ("124","125","132","133")
$randomY1 = @random ("171","172","173","174")
do move $randomX1 $randomY1
goto endCharPos
$randomX2 = @random ("140","141","148","149")
$randomY2 = @random ("171","172","173","174")
do move $randomX2 $randomY2
goto endCharPos
$randomX3 = @random ("124","125","132","133")
$randomY3 = @random ("125","126","127","128")
do move $randomX3 $randomY3
goto endCharPos
$randomX4 = @random ("140","141","148","149")
$randomY4 = @random ("125","126","127","128")
do move $randomX4 $randomY4
goto endCharPos
macro TalkBGnpc {
$Map = @eval($::config{Battle_Map})
if ($Map == tierra1) goto NPC1
if ($Map == tierra2) goto NPC2
if ($Map == tierra3) goto NPC3
if ($Map == tierra4) goto NPC4
if ($Map == flavius1) goto NPC5
if ($Map == flavius2) goto NPC6
if ($Map == flavius3) goto NPC7
if ($Map == flavius4) goto NPC8
do talknpc 124 178 c r0 n
do talknpc 140 178 c r0 n
do talknpc 125 121 c r0 n
do talknpc 140 121 c r0 n
do talknpc 133 178 c r0 n
do talknpc 148 178 c r0 n
do talknpc 133 121 c r0 n
do talknpc 148 121 c r0 n
macro TierraAI {
$AI = @eval($::config{Battle_AI})
if ($AI == 0) goto AI1
if ($AI == 1) goto AI2
call CustomIdleAI
$Map = @eval($::config{Battle_Map})
if ($Map == tierra1) goto AI11
if ($Map == tierra2) goto AI11
if ($Map == tierra3) goto AI22
if ($Map == tierra4) goto AI22
do move 162 49
goto EndAI2
do move 171 345
goto EndAI2
macro DefaultIdleAI {
$Map = @eval($::config{Battle_Map})
if ($Map == tierra1) goto Pub1
if ($Map == tierra2) goto Pub1
if ($Map == tierra3) goto Pub2
if ($Map == tierra4) goto Pub2
$PubX1 = @random ("351","352","353","354","355")
$PubY1 = @random ("350","351")
do move $PubX1 $PubY1
goto EndPub
$PubX2 = @random ("352","353","354","355","356")
$PubY2 = @random ("47","48")
do move $PubX2 $PubY2
goto EndPub
$randomPub = @random ("Be Right Back","Away From Keyboard","Eating","Taking a
do chat create "$randomPub"
macro EnterPub {
do chat join 0
pause 1
macro GetBadge {
do talk 2
Modify the following inside macros.txt to personalize your custom AFK AI:
$useCustomIdleAI = No
Use Custom Idle AI? Yes or No *case sensitive*
$customX = x
$customY = y
Desired Location(x,y) where your bot will hide inside the map and will AFK.
$customPub = @random ("Custom1","Custom2","Custom3","Custom4","Custom5")
Desired custom "excuses" why you're AFK.
example: $customPub = @random ("goin out movie","phone call brb","brb","brb sleepwalking","/gg")
end copy here
How to start:
1. Save your bot in Aldebaran and leave it there.
2. Run the bot. (Make sure that the "battle grounds config" have values)
- Works on Openkore and above, and Macro version 2.0.2
(thanks to yellow_cab for the template inspiration :D)
* Currently figuring out the most suitable Attack AI for Flavius
* as of now, it works well for me and for some of my friends but if you have any questions, suggestions or improvements, please don't hesitate to post here.
Few Reminders :
-Use at your own risk. You know what happened in Hugel Monster Race when it's already infested with bots. :twisted:
-The error in SpawnPub is normal. but if you have any idea on how to avoid it, please post here.
Enjoy botting!
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