1. After downloading the macro plugin, unzip it, and place it in your plugins folder
(ex: c:\openkore\plugins\ and also the other files included in the zipped file (i.e. the Macro folder)

2. Create a text file named, macros.txt in yout c:\openkore\controls\ folder. Put your macros and automacros in here. The one you are copy/pasting from the forums.

- Tierra Maps Only (at the moment)

- Added Custom AFK Modification
- Removed Battle PK Behavior
- Hopefully fixed the "stucked in barricade" issue


leave your LockMap "blank"

leave also the Sitting Conditions blank to prevent your bot sitting in certain situations

kindly add this to your config.txt

##### Battle Grounds Config #####

Battle_Map tierra1
Battle_AI 1
Battle_Random 0


Battle_Map <--- Choose among tierra1,tierra2,tierra3,tierra4
(v1.0: Only Tierra Maps are currently available)

NPC locations:

Battle_AI <--- [boolean]
0 = Going AFK. Doing a random Pub with an excuse as a title ,
1 = Going to Attack. Tierra: Going to the enemy food and attack it.

Battle_Random <--- [boolean]
0 = will use the map specified in Battle_Map over and over again,
1 = will go to a random Map every round.

d2 ung sa

copy pababa
       #----------- Battle Grounds Macro (v1.1) by noobotter ------------
       # v1.1: Tierra Maps
       # Features: AI choice
       #           Custom AFK *NEW*
       #           Random Map
       #           Battle PK *REMOVED*

       # Notes:
       # The error in SpawnPub automacro is normal.
       # This is to spam the chat room incase the room is full.

       # Save and setup your Bot in Aldebaran Town

macro CustomIdleAI {

   # Modify the following to personalize your custom AFK AI.

   $useCustomIdleAI = No
   $customX = x
   $customY = y
   $customPub = @random ("Custom1","Custom2","Custom3","Custom4","Custom5")


   if ($useCustomIdleAI == Yes) goto CustomTrigger
   if ($useCustomIdleAI == No) goto DefaultTrigger

   do move $customX $customY
   do chat create "$customPub"

   call DefaultIdleAI

        automacro Maroll {
           location aldebaran
           exclusive 1
           run-once 1
           call {
              do move 151 110
              do talknpc 146 109 c c r0 n
         release Maroll

        automacro GoHome {
           location not aldebaran
           location not bat_room
           location not bat_a01
           location not bat_a02
      location not bat_b01
      location not bat_b02
           exclusive 1
           run-once 1
           call {
          do move aldebaran
          release GoHome

        automacro BGroomEntry {
           location bat_room
           exclusive 1
      priority 1
           run-once 0
           call {
          $randomMap = @eval($::config{Battle_Random})

          if ($randomMap == 0) goto ContBGRoom
          if ($randomMap == 1) goto RandomMapTierra
          if ($randomMap == F) goto RandomMapFlavius

          $RandomMapChoice = @random ("tierra1","tierra2","tierra3","tierra4")

          do conf Battle_Map $RandomMapChoice
          goto ContBGRoom
          $RandomMapChoice = @random ("flavius1","flavius2","flavius3","flavius4")

          do conf Battle_Map $RandomMapChoice
          goto ContBGRoom

           call CharPos

       automacro TalkNPC1 {
          location bat_room 124 175 135 168
          exclusive 1
          run-once 0
          call TalkBGnpc

       automacro TalkNPC2 {
          location bat_room 140 175 151 167
          exclusive 1
          run-once 0
          call TalkBGnpc

       automacro TalkNPC3 {
          location bat_room 124 131 135 124
          exclusive 1
          run-once 0
          call TalkBGnpc

       automacro TalkNPC4 {
          location bat_room 148 132 151 125
          exclusive 1
          run-once 0
          call TalkBGnpc

          automacro SpawnPubT1 {
             location bat_room 57 223
             exclusive 1
             run-once 0
             call EnterPub

          automacro SpawnPubT2 {
             location bat_room 114 223
             exclusive 1
             run-once 0
             call EnterPub

          automacro SpawnPubT3 {
             location bat_room 57 207
             exclusive 1
             run-once 0
             call EnterPub

          automacro SpawnPubT4 {
             location bat_room 114 207
             exclusive 1
             run-once 0
             call EnterPub

          automacro SpawnPubF1 {
             location bat_room 85 223
             exclusive 1
             run-once 0
             call EnterPub

          automacro SpawnPubF2 {
             location bat_room 141 224
             exclusive 1
             run-once 0
             call EnterPub

          automacro SpawnPubF3 {
             location bat_room 85 207
             exclusive 1
             run-once 0
             call EnterPub

          automacro SpawnPubF4 {
             location bat_room 141 207
             exclusive 1
             run-once 0
             call EnterPub

       automacro tierraEntry1 {
           location bat_a01
           exclusive 1
           run-once 0
      priority 1
           call TierraAI

       automacro tierraEntry2 {
           location bat_a02
           exclusive 1
           run-once 0
      priority 1
           call TierraAI

       automacro tierraAtkStone1 {
           location bat_a01 170 349 175 343
           exclusive 1
           run-once 0
           call {
      do a 0

       automacro tierraAtkStone2 {
           location bat_a01 161 55 166 44
           exclusive 1
           run-once 0
           call {
      do a 0

       automacro tierraAtkStone3 {
           location bat_a02 170 349 175 343
           exclusive 1
           run-once 0
           call {
      do a 0

       automacro tierraAtkStone4 {
           location bat_a02 161 55 166 44
           exclusive 1
           run-once 0
           call {
      do a 0

       automacro TierraExit1 {
          location bat_a01 50 374
          exclusive 1
          run-once 0
          call GetBadge
       automacro TierraExit2 {
          location bat_a01 43 17
          exclusive 1
          run-once 0
          call GetBadge

       automacro TierraExit3 {
          location bat_a02 50 374
          exclusive 1
          run-once 0
          call GetBadge

       automacro TierraExit4 {
          location bat_a02 43 17
          exclusive 1
          run-once 0
          call GetBadge
    macro CharPos {

       $Map = @eval($::config{Battle_Map})

       if ($Map == tierra1) goto Pos1
       if ($Map == tierra2) goto Pos2
       if ($Map == tierra3) goto Pos3
       if ($Map == tierra4) goto Pos4
       if ($Map == flavius1) goto Pos1
       if ($Map == flavius2) goto Pos2
       if ($Map == flavius3) goto Pos3
       if ($Map == flavius4) goto Pos4

          $randomX1 = @random ("124","125","132","133")
          $randomY1 = @random ("171","172","173","174")
          do move $randomX1 $randomY1
          goto endCharPos

          $randomX2 = @random ("140","141","148","149")
          $randomY2 = @random ("171","172","173","174")
          do move $randomX2 $randomY2
          goto endCharPos

          $randomX3 = @random ("124","125","132","133")
          $randomY3 = @random ("125","126","127","128")
          do move $randomX3 $randomY3
          goto endCharPos

          $randomX4 = @random ("140","141","148","149")
          $randomY4 = @random ("125","126","127","128")
          do move $randomX4 $randomY4
          goto endCharPos


    macro TalkBGnpc {

       $Map = @eval($::config{Battle_Map})

       if ($Map == tierra1) goto NPC1
       if ($Map == tierra2) goto NPC2
       if ($Map == tierra3) goto NPC3
       if ($Map == tierra4) goto NPC4
       if ($Map == flavius1) goto NPC5
       if ($Map == flavius2) goto NPC6
       if ($Map == flavius3) goto NPC7
       if ($Map == flavius4) goto NPC8

          do talknpc 124 178 c r0 n

          do talknpc 140 178 c r0 n

          do talknpc 125 121 c r0 n

          do talknpc 140 121 c r0 n

          do talknpc 133 178 c r0 n

          do talknpc 148 178 c r0 n

          do talknpc 133 121 c r0 n

          do talknpc 148 121 c r0 n

    macro TierraAI   {

       $AI = @eval($::config{Battle_AI})
       if ($AI == 0) goto AI1
       if ($AI == 1) goto AI2

       call CustomIdleAI

       $Map = @eval($::config{Battle_Map})
          if ($Map == tierra1) goto AI11
          if ($Map == tierra2) goto AI11
          if ($Map == tierra3) goto AI22
          if ($Map == tierra4) goto AI22

          do move 162 49
          goto EndAI2

          do move 171 345
          goto EndAI2


       macro DefaultIdleAI {

          $Map = @eval($::config{Battle_Map})
          if ($Map == tierra1) goto Pub1
          if ($Map == tierra2) goto Pub1
          if ($Map == tierra3) goto Pub2
          if ($Map == tierra4) goto Pub2

   $PubX1 = @random ("351","352","353","354","355")
   $PubY1 = @random ("350","351")
        do move $PubX1 $PubY1
   goto EndPub

   $PubX2 = @random ("352","353","354","355","356")
   $PubY2 = @random ("47","48")
        do move $PubX2 $PubY2
   goto EndPub

        $randomPub = @random ("Be Right Back","Away From Keyboard","Eating","Taking a

        do chat create "$randomPub"
       macro EnterPub {
          do chat join 0
          pause 1

       macro GetBadge {
          do talk 2

Modify the following inside macros.txt to personalize your custom AFK AI:

$useCustomIdleAI = No
Use Custom Idle AI? Yes or No *case sensitive*
$customX = x
$customY = y
Desired Location(x,y) where your bot will hide inside the map and will AFK.
$customPub = @random ("Custom1","Custom2","Custom3","Custom4","Custom5")
Desired custom "excuses" why you're AFK.
example: $customPub = @random ("goin out movie","phone call brb","brb","brb sleepwalking","/gg")

 end copy here

How to start:

1. Save your bot in Aldebaran and leave it there.
2. Run the bot. (Make sure that the "battle grounds config" have values)


- Works on Openkore and above, and Macro version 2.0.2
(thanks to yellow_cab for the template inspiration :D)

* Currently figuring out the most suitable Attack AI for Flavius

* as of now, it works well for me and for some of my friends but if you have any questions, suggestions or improvements, please don't hesitate to post here.

Few Reminders :
-Use at your own risk. You know what happened in Hugel Monster Race when it's already infested with bots. :twisted:
-The error in SpawnPub is normal. but if you have any idea on how to avoid it, please post here.

Enjoy botting!

20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know

If you surf Facebook on daily basis or occasionally, chances are you’re already familiar with regular stuffs like add/delete friends, update statuses, walls and profile, add and explore pages & applications, etc, but there’s more..
This week we want to cover some interesting things you can do on (or with) Facebook; inclusive of tricks that are not documented or unknown to many, as well as tips to stay connected better with your friends. Without further ado, here’s 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know. If you have interesting tips/tricks related to Facebook, please feel free to share in the comment box below.

  1. How to Place Facebook Chat On Firefox Sidebar

    If you are using Firefox, you can place the Facebook Chat at the sidebar.
  2. How to Download Facebook Photo Albums

    FacePAD: Facebook Photo Album Downloader allows you to download your friends’ facebook albums, Events albums, and Group Albums, en masse, with the click of a button.
  3. How to Share Flickr Photos to Facebook

    Flickr2Facebook is an unofficial Flickr to Facebook uploader(bookmarklet) which allows you upload photos to Facebook from Flickr.
  4. How to Update Facebook without Using Facebook

    hellotxt and both introduced features that let Facebook administrators update Facebook Pages.
  5. How to Schedule Facebook Messages

    Sendible lets you schedule Facebook messages ahead of time so you can send messages to your friends, customers or colleagues in the future.
  6. How to "Friend" Someone on Facebook & Hide It From Your Status Updates

    A short tutorial on Makeuseof to guide you how to hide Facebook status updates and keep that fact confined to your closer friends.
  7. How to Create a Photo Collage Using Pictures of Your Facebook Friends

    Click on Friends tab. Proceed to More tab. From "Choose an option" dropdown, choose any of the dashes "" . Your Facebook friends collage is right on your computer screen.
  8. How to Know When Facebook Friends Secretly Delete or Block You

    X-Friends is a unique tool for tracking friends that disappear from Facebook.
  9. How to Display Selected Pictures Only on your Facebook Profile Page

    A little-known feature in Facebook that lets you decide who shows up in that Friends box. Click that "edit" pencil in your Friends box and type the names of your best friends in the box that says "Always show these friends"
  10. How to Remove Facebook Advertisements

    This Greasemonkey script – Facebook: Cleaner removes many of the annoying ads and updates that unavoidably appear on your Facebook pages.
  11. How to Syncs Photos of Facebook Friends with Contacts in Microsoft Outlook

    OutSync is a free Windows application that syncs photos of your Facebook friends with matching contacts in Microsoft Outlook. It allows you to select which contacts are updated. So you can update all contacts at once or just a few at a time.
  12. How to Display Facebook Statuses on Wordpress Blog

    The following method make use of Facebook status feed and Wordpress RSS widget to display Facebook Statuses on WordPress blog.. It will also work for self-host Wordpress blogs.
  13. How to Post Your Blog Posts to Your Facebook Wall Automatically

    Wordbook allows you to cross-post your blog posts to your Facebook Wall. Your Facebook “Boxes” tab will show your most recent blog posts.
  14. How to Access Facebook Chat on Desktop

    Gabtastik and digsby let you keep Facebook chat sessions open on your Windows desktop outside of your regular web browser, using minimal screen real estate and system memory.
  15. How to Create Quiz on Facebook Easily

    LOLapps provides quiz creator that can be employed to conjure up these popular personality quizzes that are so widespread in Facebook.
  16. How to Hide Your Online Status on Facebook Chat from Select Contacts

    Facebook has integrated friends list with Chat and you can also choose which of these list members get to see you online.
  17. How to Get Facebook Updates on Email

    NutshellMail consolidates your Facebook accounts through the inbox you use the most.
  18. How to Update Facebook Status from Firefox

    FireStatus is a status update utility for multiple social networks, including FaceBook.
  19. How to Get Facebook on Your Desktop

    Seesmic Desktop, Facebooker, Xobni, Facebook Sidebar Gadget, Scrapboy and Facebook AIR application are desktop applications that allows you interact with your stream just as you would on Facebook, but without the browser.
  20. How to Delete, Cancel and Terminate Facebook Account and Profile

    A simple guide to terminate, delete or cancel Facebook account, together with the Facebook profile easily.

15 Useful Google Search Tricks

15 Useful Google Search Tricks

Most of us use Google search to search on various topics, products, tips, etc. No doubt it’s one of the best search engines available out there. In order to search something we simply enter the keywords in the search bar and search for stuff but did you ever know that there are several built in functions within Google which makes searching stuff even easier. Some of you’ll know about them. But well if you don’t, then here they are:

Google calculator:
Google search can be used as a calculator. It can calculate anything from the simplest math to the most complex equation. All you need to do is just enter the math in the search box and hit enter. You can use the following functions:
+ : add
- :subtract
* :multiply
/ :divide
^ :to the power of
sqrt : square root of a number

Dictionary Definitions:
You can define any word by entering “define:” following the word. For example define: ignoble
Google will display a list of dictionary definitions for that word.

Search for a specific title:
Suppose you came across a great article which you really liked but unfortunately forgot to bookmark it then you can find it easily with the help of Google provided you know the title of the article. Here’s how you do it:
Let’s say you read an article “Women talk three times as much as men” then you can search for it by typing “intitle: Women talk three times as much as men”

Google Convertor:
Using this feature you can convert units like millimeter into inches, kilometers into miles, liters into ml, etc. You can do so by typing ‘25km in miles’ for converting km in to miles, ‘50litres in ml’ for converting litres into ml, and so on.

Compare currencies:
Google’s search has an inbuilt currency converter. It allows you to perform any currency conversion. All you need to do is just enter the conversion you’d like done into the Google search box and hit “Enter” or click the Google Search button. For instance: “1 USD in INR”

Weather Updates:
You can easily know the weather condition of a specific place. In order to find out, all you need to do is just enter the place name followed by “weather”. For ex: “london weather”

Search for specific file types:

There are various kinds of files available over the net. Searching for a specific file type isn’t really easy. But using this tip you can easily search for a specific file type.
For instance if you want to search for a guide, let’s say a ‘Guide to Building a Successful IT Career’ in ppt format. You can make use of the “filetype:” function. So in order to search for the PPT version of the guide you can enter in search bar ‘Guide to Building a Successful IT Career filetypept’

Search on a particular website:
If you want to search for something from a particular site using Google search then you can do so by using the “site:” feature. Here’s how you do it:
Let’s say you want to search for cloverfield DVD on Amazon, you can do so by typing “cloverfield DVD”

Get the local time anywhere:

Wanna know what time is it in London now? You can ask Google by typing “what time is it London” in the search bar. You can also enter “time (location)” without the quotes.

Remove unwanted search results:
Suppose you wanted to search a Harry potter book review but you ended up in getting reviews of the movie rather than the book. Well in this case you can make Google to exclude the movie results from the search. You can do so by adding “-movie” at the end of the term. For instance: “Harry potter Chamber of secrets -movie” This will give search results excluding the movie- The chamber of secrets.

Search for URLs:
You can even search for URLs in Google search.For instance: “Women_talk_three_times_as_much_as_men”. You can also use “.” “-” instead of “_“. The search will bring up results with the URLs containing the above words entered.

Track flight status:
You can also track a particular flight status. All you need to do is just enter the airline and flight number into the search box and hit enter. You’ll get the arrival and departure time of the flight right inside Google’s search results.

Search Google groups by the subject line:
You need to be in the google groups search page before attempting this query; otherwise it might not work correctly. Using the “insubject:” function you can search google groups by the subject line. For instance “insubject:windows xp fast shutdown”

Find related sites:
Suppose you find an interesting website and you would like to find some other alternative to this site then you can do so by using “related:” function. For instance if you want to search an alternative for you can do so by entering “”

Find links to a specific URL:
You can find the webpages which have a link to a specific URL using the “link:” function. This is really great as it will help you if you own a website, you can easily find out the pages linking to a page in your site. To use it, you need to enter the whole URL after “link:”
For instance “link:”
Well that’s it for now, hope you liked them. If you know more feel free to mention them here.

Whois Lookup service:

You can also search for information on a particular domain name. Just type in “whois” and hit enter. You’ll get to see the creation and expiry dates of the domain.

Suggests words, phrases and their results:

This is really helpful if you aren’t able to spell a particular word or you would like to know the results a particular word would contain when searched.

How To Type Upside Down Letters And Backward Text

Ever wanted to write text upside down on websites? Click on this link and start flipping away everything that you type instantly.. you can then copy/paste them on wherever you want.

˙ʇuɐʍ noʎ ɹǝʌǝɹǝɥʍ uo ɯǝɥʇ ǝʇsɐd/ʎdoɔ uǝɥʇ uɐɔ noʎ ˙˙˙ʎןʇuɐʇsuı ǝdʎʇ noʎ ʇɐɥʇ ƃuıɥʇʎɹǝʌǝ ʎɐʍɐ ƃuıddıןɟ ʇɹɐʇs puɐ ʞuıן sıɥʇ uo ʞɔıןɔ ¿sǝʇısqǝʍ uo uʍop ǝpısdn ʇxǝʇ ǝʇıɹʍ oʇ pǝʇuɐʍ ɹǝʌǝ


* cheat Engine 5.5     (search mo lang google tamad na ako)


1. Go into Ninja Saga.
2. Select browser as process in ce5.5 (hex, 8bytes, asrom)
3. At the "Select Character" screen, scan "3B0008C25B5E0689"
4. 2 addresses found. Right click the BOTTOM address, Disassemble this memory region and "Toggle breakpoint"
5. Now in Ninja Saga, select your character and click "Play"
6. It will freeze due to the breakpoint you've set.
7. Click "Debug > Run (shortcut: f9)
8. Click "Debug > Run again.
9. At the Registries panel, you will see a red line "EAX xxxxxx"
10. Left click on it and it will ask you to insert the new address, so you paste "116a4" <<<( level 19 to try mo gumamit man calculator pra sa deosre level mo nka hex yan ) into it
11. Now right click the address and click "Toggle breakpoint" again to remove the breakpoint.
12. Click "Debug > Run


-sa money cheat naman-

1.punta ka sa shop sell something but b4 u click the sell button
punta ka sa CE then tick speed hack make int 0.0 then click the sell button as many as u wish pag katapos mo click punta ka sa ce ulit tick speed hack to 10 then yun na tingnan mo pera mo yeah!!!


This glitch is from a source from other forum and not came from me. this glitch is the most "valuable" glitch that exist and works like a charm!

I'm not responsible for any mess you might encounter while doing it or after doing it. This glitch is a high risk for a account banned!

So all i can say is use this glitch wisely and with responsibility. the key word is "WAG GARAPAL! WAG SOBRA! AT WAG OBVIOUS!"

Unlimited Gold
Level 70 in an hour - Villa Chain Mode 50k per sell

Storage Building

This example is Villa Chain Mode

1. Buy A villa in the market
2. Place the villa in the storage building
3. Click the storage building
4. Click Look Inside
5. Use the villa - But dont build it in the farm area! just click use!
*Be sure your mouse cursor is a "blurry" villa avatar/graphics
6. Click the gift box in the action tool box - beside the market box area.
7. select storage box - ayan ha ang liwanag! storage box hindi gift box
8. Click sell villa! dont click anything wati mo yung confirmation pop up!
9. click accept! dont click anything wait mo mag close your confirmation pop up at storage pop up!
10. When the pop up are gone don't do anything, wag na wag kang mag cliclick sa farm mo! wait until you successfully sell the villa, dapat makita mong nadagdagan na ang pera mo or yung amount ng nakastore sa storage building nabawasan, then click mo yung storage building para store yung hawak hawak mong villa!!

ganun lang paikot ikot! 50k per click!! pwd din sa mga low level item pero yung pag bawi or gold generation mo mas mababa.

IMPORTANT: dapat hawak hawak mo ang villa bago ka mag sell! at dapat nagdagan ang pera mo at na bawasan amount ng nakastore sa building, kasi pag nagkataon mabibitawan mo ang pinapaikot mong items!!


Success Mode:

Villa Use(from main building) - cursor become blurry villa - villa sell(from storage box beside the market box) -when you get the money - store villa in storage again. - INFINITE LOOP!!

Failed Mode:

Villa Use(from main building) - cursor become blurry villa - villa sell(from storage box beside the market box) - (lag you didn't get money and the villa is still in the storage) - then you store villa in storage again. - mabibitawan mo ang villa pag nagkataon! kaya wait mo mag update ang gold bago mo store!!



Credits to symbianize

di ko nagawa sakin kasi  mahal nang red barn 40k XD pulube ako   pero nagawa ko sa kaibigan ko ...........

Credits to symbianize

I am not liable to any damages brought to you by running this tool
(Imposible naman magka damage dahil tested na ang tool na ito )
Pa drama lang ng konti sa introduction
baka may magseselos na naman at e hahack ang account ko


JAU - Just Another Unlocker by Harald Kubovy - oOXTCOo

Hindi lang ito for Huawei unlocker but also a tool na pwede rin mag unlock ng NOKIA BASE BAND 5 PHONES

Nokia Base Band 5 -BB5- Baseband-5 Phones: 3250, 6131, 6133, 6125, 6126, 6270, 6280, 6282, 6630, 6680, 6681,
6682, 7370, E60, E61, N70, N70, N72, N80, N90, N91, N92

Sa Huawei modems naman,mga not supported IMEI's
Wait lang kayo mga ilang araw magiging supported rin ang IMEI's nyo
the maker is updating the list everyday..

marami pa p0ng functi0n ang tool na ito kayo nalang mag explore

you need an account to use software and to unlock all functions:

username: demo
password: test

NOTE: u must login first to use all functions.. just go to settings tab and login..

JAU have now all huawei and extra e220 unlocker integrated.
this new version have many many improvements about funcionallity, design, bug fixes, security updates...

press "updates and news" button to see whats all new in this version.

If you are experiencing like this (check screenshot)

that means you have no ufs or jaf drivers installed.
you have 3 options:
1.) install ufs drivers
2.) install der jaf ftdi driver
3.) download the attached file below, extract and and copy/paste the FTD2XX.DLL file on windows/system32 folder.
but you will not be able to use jaf or ufs interface without its drivers...

(I recommend do the 3rd option)


Eto naman ang unlocker tool online free..



Mga critics jan, keep ur mouth shut kung wla kay0ng masabi na maganda
